Burning you were to know…
…the true origin of Darth Tater. Wait no longer.
more ...…the true origin of Darth Tater. Wait no longer.
more ...…I think it’s cool that somebody at Radio Bremen translates each month’s news into Plattdüütsch and Latin. Such things only happen when commercial interest is not at the forefront of everyone’s mind.
more ...Josie’s doing something with kids tomorrow, and she needed a word puzzle. I made her one. No. I made her a program to make any number of them. :) Like this one:
I’ve attached the Python Find the word …
more ...I challenge you to come up with a shorter/simpler piece of code that executes the Sieve of Erathostenes than this Python snippet:
N = 1000
candidates = range(2, N+1)
i = 0
while i < len(candidates):
candidates = [n for n in candidates
if n % candidates[i] != 0
or n <= candidates …
more ...
Think anagrams. ‘Nuff said. :)
more ...If you ever thought about shopping at K&M Elektronik, don’t do it. They suck. Here’s why:
I bought a wireless card from them a while ago, which, over time, bit the bulletkicked the bucket. I am supposing that I was seeing thermal problems, since the card …
I’ve just finished updating this site to Drupal 4.6. It went pretty smoothly, except for some hiccups with the image
module. I like the new version, even though not much is different. The slightly changed look of the site might give this away, too. If there are any …